Monday, March 31, 2025

Tags: Student Dies Energy Drinks

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Student Dies after “excessive” energy drinks

A 21-year old British university student developed heart failure after “excessive” consumption of energy drinks, reported BBC on Friday.The man drank four 500ml energy drinks a day for two years before he needed hospital treatment for heart failure, according to a new BMJ Case Report

Student Dies Energy Drinks

Source: Redbull 

Some law students spend 60 hours a week studying and with the final exams approaching- or even  the bar exam one can wonder how do law students get the energy to study so much? Who here never pulled an all-nighter?  We all know someone who had an incredible consumption of energy drinks. 

As we everything in life, excess is never a good thing. A 21 year old students died from heart failure after he spent 58 days in hospital, including the intensive care unit which he described as “traumatising”. Doctors treating him considered a number of diagnoses, but concluded: “Energy drink-induced cardiotoxicity was felt to be the most likely cause.”

An organ transplant was considered after tests revealed both his heart and kidneys had failed – with the kidney failure linked to a long-standing but previously undiagnosed condition. The unnamed patient contributed to the report, and was unable to continue his university studies three months before hospital admission because of his health.

The report shows that the man had no medical history other than excessive intake of energy drinks – highlighting that each can the man was drinking contains 160mg of caffeine.

“I think there should be more awareness about energy drinks” said the student.

of caffeine a day appears to be a safe limit for most healthy adults.
0 mg

Adding his own story to the report, the student said: “When I was drinking up to four energy drinks per day, I suffered from tremors and heart palpitations, which interfered with my ability to concentrate on daily tasks and my studies at university.”

“I also suffered from severe migraine headaches which would often occur during the periods when I did not drink energy drink; this also restricted my ability to perform day-to-day tasks and even leisurely activities such as going to the park or taking a walk.”

No new

Recently, a 26-year-old young man from Texas has died from consuming too many energy drinks. Reportedly, he was consuming almost 8-10 cans of energy drink daily that led to a blood clot and blockage in his heart, which resulted in a heart attack and thus causing death. This incident has again questioned the risk of consuming energy drinks, which are extremely popular among millennials.

Know your energy drink

You must be very careful while purchasing energy drinks. Read the labels carefully and know the amount of caffeine and other sweeteners that the brand uses. Also, look out for other hidden ingredients that the label is ambiguous about and which may harm you. Energy drinks provide nothing bur unhealthy amounts of caffeine, other harmful chemical compounds and a strong addiction that is too hard to come out of!

A remember to stay hydrated. At least 6-8 glasses of water day, regular sleep, healthy diet and healthy lifestyle is the most natural way of getting the mental energy that you need. 

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