With many uncertainties surrounding the 2020 edition of the Uniform Bar Exam, you might want to make it your last time.
Our Outlines and Study Materials will save you time and money and are designed for both JD and LLM students. Get your Outlines Now and Become another Success Story.
Unlocking the New York Bar Exam's format is essential for success. Our quick guide breaks down its structure and layout, from the MBE to NY-specific sections. Get ready to tackle the exam confidently with expert tips and insights. Let's dive in!
With the exception of a couple of US states, all fledgling attorneys must pass the bar exam before practicing law independently. But have you ever wondered why is it called the Bar exam? Hint: it has nothing to do with local pubs!
October 2020 New York Bar Exam results should be released around the last week of November or first week of December. But as many know, this year is special!
There is no surprise here: passing the Bar Exam requires a tremendous amount of memorization. There are no shortcuts and everyone have different techniques to help you memorize all the law you need for the bar. Below are a few methods that have worked for top students and that worked for us when we prepared (and passed) the bar exam.
While the global pandemic has affected prospective bar candidates in jurisdictions across the country, the impact in New York has been especially severe. As a result, seating capacity for the September 9-10, 2020 bar exam will be sharply limited, and the Board will not be able to seat all candidates who wish to take the exam in New York.
There is only one week left, at this point you have done the work, you know more than you think. After two intensive months, the Bar Exam definitely marked your subconscious.