Bar Exam Materials & Outlines
Learn and memorize every rule on the Bar Exam, effectively and affordably
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New York Bar Exam ’25
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Our materials are designed by attorneys who scored in the top percentile - we help you learn and memorize in a smarter way. Designed to be a tool to success.
We spent time in compiling and designing the best resource available so that you save time. We make your money worth by bringing our materials at an affordable price.
You can download our materials in a few seconds and have them ready right away. Don't waste your time on reading your lecture book, focus on practising.
Article 100 : French Bar Exam
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All you need to pass the Bar Exam and make it your last time
Priority Outlines
Designed for LL.M and J.D. students with Priority on Retention
Our Priority Outlines break down all concepts you need to know to master the Uniform Bar Exam. Color-coded, cross-referenced, and organized by subject and sub-topic.Â
We spent hours in compiling and drafting our outlines so you can focus on the essential. The priority to succeed on the Bar Exam is on practicing and memorizing, not spending your time on drawing charts. Where regular J.D. students had three years to learn most of the rules, LL.M students had only one year.Â
Essay Attacks
Tackle your Essays and systematically spot the issue.
Our Essay Attack Sheets are a roadmap for attacking the essays. Our Sheets take you through the structure of the essay in a sequential manner and focus on each and any issues you may encounter on the MEE.Â
Our Essay Attacks are focused on memorizing the “black letter law” with pre-established rules; and pre-existing issues that are known to be tested.
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