Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Bar Requirements for LL.M Students

First Step: Eligibility

If you wish to take the Bar Exam, it is very important to ensure that your LL.M meets the minimum requirements to qualify for the Bar Eligibility Criteria: 

  1. Be an LL.M degree. Duh., but a complete transcript of your LLM will be required to qualify. Make sure that your law school sends the document at the end of the year.
  2. Minimum of 24 Semester Hours of Credit. Over two semesters: all 24 credits must be in courses requiring classroom instruction with a minimum of 700 minutes of instruction time per credit. Make sure that the courses you pick meet that requirement. (credits for internship might therefore not count)
  3. Period of Instruction. Two semesters are need, of at least 13 calendar weeks each. The program cannot be completed exclusively during summer semesters; however, a maximum of four credits may be earned in summer courses. The program must be completed within 24 months of matriculation.
  4. Approved Law School. Approved law school means a United States law school approved by the ABA.
  5. All coursework to be completed in the United States. All coursework must be physically completed at the campus of the ABA-approved law school in the United States. ANY class taken at a law school’s campus in a foreign country does NOT qualify toward the 24-credit requirement for the LLM degree. No credit is allowed for distance, correspondence or external study or for any DVD or online program or course.
  6. Required Coursework. The LLM degree program must include the below.
    1. at least two semester hours of credit in professional responsibility;
    2. at least two credits in a legal research, writing and analysis course (which may NOT be satisfied by a research and writing requirement in a substantive course);
    3. at least two credits in a course on American legal studies, the American legal system or a similar course designed to introduce students to U.S. law;
    4. at least six credits in subjects tested on the NY Bar Exam.
  7. Permissible Coursework. The LLM degree program may include:
    1. credits in clinical courses (so long as the clinic course has a classroom component, any clinical work is performed under direct supervision of a non-adjunct faculty member and the educational benefit is commensurate with credit awarded)
    2. a maximum of six credits in other courses related to legal training (so long as the course is taught by a faculty member at law school awarding the LLM or an affiliate school and the course is completed at a campus in the United States).

You don't have to use your 24 Semester Credits for "Bar Only" Courses - remember to use your LL.M to enhance your career too! While your university might try to fit you in a box, you are in charge of selecting your courses.

LLM NY Bar Exam

LLM NY Bar Exam

Second Step: The Advance Evaluation of Eligibility 

In addition to your LL.M., there are additional criteria to fulfill, such as your level of legal education in your home country. Satisfying the Advance Evaluation of Eligibility is crucial to take the Bar Exam. We will focus on New York State in this part, but be aware that other states might have different criteria of evaluation. 

1. Start Early as the process must be over by a certain date:


FEBRUARYOnline Foreign Evaluation AND all Required Foreign DocumentationMay 1 of the year preceding the exam you wish to sit.
JULYOnline Foreign Evaluation AND all Required Foreign DocumentationOctober 1 of the year preceding the exam you wish

You will receive a notification once your documents are received by the New York State Board of Law Examiner; and only once all the documents required are received. From there, it might take up to six months to the Board to evaluate your application for eligibility. Hence, it is very important to start the processus early. 

If you miss the deadlines, you might not get your determination of eligibility on time and won’t be able to sit for your chosen Bar Exam session.

Start the process early: for this step you will be required to submit any transcript you received, with certified translation, this may take time.

As described in more detail in the request and in Section 520.6, the following documents must accompany your request:

1.  University Transcripts from every law school attended;
  • Start by requesting a copy from your university at home in a sealed stamped envelope.
  • Usually, your university will send the documents directly to New York, others will send them out to you and you will need to forward them to New York. In this case: do not open the sealed envelope. 
  • Transcripts must be in English or translated into English. 

2.  Copy of your Degree Certificate;

3.  Document showing you admission to the Bar in your home country; OR

4.  A Letter from the  Regulatory Authority of your country explaining that you met the requirement to be admitted as an attorney;

Third Step: Registration to the Bar Exam

Once you receive your eligibility, you will need to register for the exam and pay the fee of $750.

To sit the July exam, register between April 1st -30th. To sit the February exam, register between November 1st -30th. There won’t be exceptions for late filing, so don’t miss the deadlines.

What if you don’t have your eligibility confirmed before the registration deadlines? You should contact the Board directly to discuss this, but be careful: the registration fee will not be refunded if a determination cannot be made in time for such exam or if it is late determined that you are not eligible.  

LLM NY Bar Exam

What’s next?

At this point, you will be ready to take the Bar Exam, but keep in mind that there will be other steps before finally being admitted to the State Bar. In New York, you will need the following:

  1. The NY Pro Bono Requirement. Applicants for admission to the New York State bar must perform 50 hours of pro bono services (aka unpaid work)
  2. Take the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE). A 2 hours’ long exam with 60 questions. It is administered 3 times a year.
  3. Take the New York Law Exam. A 50 multiple choice questions, 2-hour open book test and can be completed online. It test New York State Law.
  4. Your Admission application & Character and Fitness Investigation. You will be required to provide detailed information about your professional and personal background. You will be required to appear personally for an interview.
  5. Your Swearing Ceremony. Congratulations, you did it!

Yes, the process is heavy. Is it worth it? Absolutely. Bear in mind that you are not alone in this: your faculty members can assist you and we are always here to answer your questions and assit you the best way we can.

Pass the Bar with our Outlines:

Updated 2024 Designed for Memory Retention Tailored for LL.M students Compile hours of books and resources Great to complement your Bar Review Color-Coded

LLM NY Bar Exam

Disclaimer: Our content is for informational purposes only. Given the rapidness with which bar examination and admissions rules can change, we strongly encourage you to consult the specific website of the New York State Board of Law Examiners in order to be sure that you have the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Keywords: LLM NY Bar Exam