Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Law School: How to Survive the Mid-Semester Blues

Law School: How to Survive the Mid-Semester Blues

Law School Mid-Semester Blues

With November going on and winter already knocking at our door, the middle of this term might feel impossible to get through. Your workload is increasing, you have those outlines to prepare for the finals, and we are not even mentionning the weather out there. 

This can be overwhelming, and a little depressing, to even the most well-adjusted law student. But you don’t have to let the semester win, there are plenty ways to survive these trying months. Pop some vitamin C pills, get out of bed, dress in layers, make a guest appearance, and let’s get this show on the road. Here’s How to Survive the Mid-Semester Blues.

Take care of your physical well-being

Law School Mid-Semester Blues

We don’t want to be cliché, but you should get enough sleep, stop eating garbage and stop sitting around at your computer 24/7: ultimately you will feel bad.

Life is an habit, so get on that sleep schedule, reevaluate your eating habits and try to stick to it. Finals are not an excuse to give up on everything. 

The changes will be immediate: more energy, a clear mind and a will to tackle the rest of the semester for once and good. 


Law School Mid-Semester Blues

You need to take some time for you. At this point, it won’t change the course of your semester and you need to take the pressure off. 

We are not saying that you should take off a weekend or a full day. But if you manage your time properly you should have enough time left for something fun. So save some time on watching cat videos and scrolling through Facebook and plan some time off for your own sake! 

Schedule a show, go to the spa, anything that can truly re-energize you. Here’s a list of relaxing activities. 

See your loved ones

Remember that you are never alone. It is tempting to look inwards but you have friends and family around you. Even if it is a mentor, there is always someone to help you de-stress, or just lend an ear to listen, and give you an outlet to talk about something other than proximate cause or character evidence.

And of course, you should hang with other students, especially J.D. students if you are an LL.M. Learn from each other. We are a community.

Create a comfortable environment

It’s time to ditch that negativity. Organize yourself, avoid any source of stress and don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today, that’s such a hidden bombshell.

So get that blanket, buy that lavender candle, and pour yourself some wine. The point is to make your space comfortable and inviting for you.

Remember who you are and reflect on your goals

It is easy to lose track in law school and to get caught up with the daily grind of assignments. But don’t lose sight of the big picture.

Mid-semester is the perfect time to refocus on the essential: what do you want to be? How do you get there? 

Spend some time reflecting on what you have accomplished so far, remember your goals and get that motivation back!

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Law SchoolLaw School: How to Survive the Mid-Semester Blues
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