Tags: How Hard is the Bar Exam
How Hard is the Bar Exam
Tags: How Hard is the Bar Exam
How Hard is the Bar Exam
For many law school grads around the United States, prepping for the Bar Exam is a long and arduous process that can lead to anxiety and stress. After three years of law school, there is no greater fear than failing the Bar. And yet, this examination is one of the most difficult tests its takers will ever encounter.
Source: Pexels
A bar-exam pass rate is the percentage of students who pass the bar exam on their first try. You can look at the bar-exam pass rate according to states, which tells what percentage of students passed the exam in a particular state. There’s also the bar-exam pass rate according to schools, which lets you know what percentage of students from a specific law school passed the exam.
That being said, it is important not to let pass rates scare you away from a particular state. Consider the type of material on the exam, the exam’s format, and even the duration of the exam. Many factors come into play when defining the hardest bar exams, and the exam that is best for you. Don’t let your career path be determined by statistics alone because you (and your study habits!) play the biggest role in your bar exam fate!
This post is based on the 2020 Bar Exam Pass Rates : please be mindful that in average the 2020 Pass Rate is significantly higher than previous year – most likely due to a reduced applicants number and an first-ever online version of the exam.
California has always had a reputation for having a very tough bar exam, perhaps going beyond a test of minimal competence.
One explanation is that California is the only state to allow grads from non-ABA accredited law schools to sit for the bar exam. While these people do drag down the overall pass rate, that’s not the whole story.
Another hint is that California has a large number of applicants. The fact that California’s population of exam takers is so large contributes to the overall lower pass rate.
Alaska could be the hardest Bar Exam due to its “cut score”, which is the minimum passing score set by each individual state. If a test-taker scores below the cut score, they fail the exam. In comparison, New York cut score is 266.
Traditionally, as measured for some of those exams, from 48% to 74% of the total takers passed; from 62% to 90% of the first-time takers passed; and. from 10% to 53% of the repeat takers passed.
A passage rate in the mid to upper 80s and a cut score of 260 make Missouri one of the easiest Bar Exams on our list.
Missouri is a UBE state, and will not test any state-specific law on the bar. However, applicants must take the Missouri Educational Component prior to sitting for the bar.
This exam does test state law, but you are provided with study materials and you can use them when you take the test at your leisure.
Now, is the Bar Exam actually difficult?
Sure, pass rates depend to some extent on the state, but in 2019, 58% of individuals that took the bar exam passed it. The other 42% are smart individuals that got through law school, but who didn’t study efficiently enough.
The bar exam is hard, but that’s because law is hard. The practice of law is hard. The bar exam is just the beginning of a career of doing difficult things. You need to rise to that challenge.
The challenge is synthesizing the law into a coherent body so you are ready for whatever question comes your way on the test. Then, the exam is timed, which is pressure in itself. So you must practice as much as you can to get used to the exam format. Finally, it’s normal to get anxious about such a high stakes exam. But the Bar Exam is especially anxiety-provoking.
The Bar Exam doesn’t have to be too stressful. The difference between the 58% of people that pass and the 42% that don’t is just this: work. Those who pass work hard and work efficiently.
In the end, no matter how difficult the exam is – you can do it. Make a study plan, use effective study methods, great bar exam materials, take practice exams, etc. etc. If you do all those things: yes, you can pass.
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State by State First-Time Takers Passing Rate for the 2020 Bar Exam
Home » How hard is the Bar Exam? Find out the Bar Exam Pass Rates States by States for 2020.
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