NY Bar Exam Outlines
Bar Exam Outline Study
Learn and memorize every rule on the Bar Exam, effectively and affordably.
The Uniform Bar Exam is not your usual law school final exam. In short, to pass the bar exam you need to know what the examiners want, not necessarily what your teacher taught you. So if you are using old, poorly written and not-on-point outlines, then you might be starting your preparation on the wrong foot. Conversely, preparing an outline for every single tested topic might be time consuming. In brief, you want to start with the best Bar Exam outlines available.
The amount of study materials is overwhelming: between your class notes, your commercial books, the outlines of your cousin Vinny and your library books, it might take you forever to create the ultimate Bar Exam outline.
What should I do?
In short, you need outlines that are:
From there, you have some options:
(1) Create Your Own Outline
It is tempting to create your own folder of outlines for each topic. You bought the best coloring pens, have all the books ready, this will be fun. BUT you are not necessarily learning the substance – you are merely a Bob Ross in the making. Spending all your time and energy on crafting the best outlines might not be the best way to prepare for the Bar Exam.
(2) Use your Commercial outlines
You paid a lot of money on your Bar Preparation course and it came with a box full of books. The irony? Some commercial course outlines are not “bad” but they are really not complete! You could always add notes to your commercial outline – or better: use it to craft your own outline- but again it might take some precious time.
Why should you get our outlines? Because they have helped many students passing the Bar Exam. We review them every year and make sure you are covered. Our outlines combine so many resources that it will actually save your time and money.
We can help you Pass the Bar Exam!
Memorize Faster
Our materials are designed by attorneys who scored in the top percentile – we help you learn and memorize in a smarter way.
Save Money
We spent time in compiling and designing the best resource available so that you don’t have to buy expensive books. We make your money worth by bringing our materials at an affordable price.
Flexible & Convenient
You can download our materials in a few seconds and have them ready on any of your devices. Moreover, you get the main point right away – don’t waste your time on reading your lecture book, focus on practising.
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