Bar Exam Memorization Techniques
Bar Exam Memorization Techniques
Bar Exam Memorization Techniques
Bar Exam Memorization Techniques
There is no surprise here: passing the Bar Exam requires a tremendous amount of memorization. There are no shortcuts and everyone have different techniques to help you memorize all the law you need for the bar. Below are a few methods that have worked for top students and that worked for us when we prepared (and passed) the bar exam.
Memorization techniques have a double effect on your brain. Firstly, you learn the information at hand, and secondly, you become better at remembering over time. Think of it as the “Use it or Lose it” rule. One important thing to understand when picking memorization techniques is how our brain processes and stores memory.
Our brains favour information that is living, active, colorful, vivid, and engaging. The means that we need to make the information that we want to remember interesting for our brains. The key to getting better at any memory technique is finding one that works for you in particular, and setting goals for your training.
The Auditory Technique
Auditory learners learn best by hearing information repeatedly or by speaking it. When trying to recall information during the bar exam, try to “hear” previous discussions. Auditory learning methods range from studying with voice recordings to memorizing vocabulary words by inventing short songs.
Tips for Auditory Learners:
Strategy for Visual Learners
Visual learners are those who process and retain information best when they can see it. Visual learners often prefer to sit in the front of the class and “watch” the lecture closely. Often, these students will find that information makes more sense when it is explained with the aid of a chart or illustration. When recalling information, try to remember visual clues, what that page of your notes looked like, etc.
Visual Learning Strategies:
The Loci Technique
This method, originally believed to have been developed in Ancient Greece around 2.500 years ago, has many names.
Popularly known as “The Memory Palace”, this technique has been featured in many movies (think the modern adaptation of Sherlock Holmes) and TV shows as a memory exercise of choice for the specially gifted heroes and villains.
But the truth is, the Loci Technique is much more accessible for the average person than most people think. Basically, you have to try to associate each item you’re trying to remember with a specific image and a place. You can use the rooms in your house and imagine the items lying around in rooms that feel most natural to you.
This technique is mostly useful for remembering information that does not need to be processed, only recalled.
A mnemonic truly is: “a device such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations that assists in remembering something.” It doesn’t have to be silly to work (though a little humor can help). When you need to memorize a set of key terms for example, make up a catchy story using the first letter of each definition, and this can help you recall the definitions of the terms. Though this won’t help you if you haven’t thoroughly studied the definitions, it can help jog your memory come test time.
Some examples:
Chunking refers to the process of taking smaller pieces (chunks) of information and grouping them into bigger units. By taking smaller pieces of a larger whole, you can improve the amount remembered. An example of chunking is how phone numbers are put into chunks rather than one long line of numbers.
The key aspect that makes this technique work is grouping things based on semantic encoding, meaning things are put in groups according to context or pattern.
Repeat, Repeat, Repeat
In the end, no matter what techniques you end up doing, the secret is in practice. You might have to practice your technique up to 30 times before the concepts stick for good. Bigger things might require even more time.
The best way to get into memorization is to make it an habit. Again, the key will be repetition, repetition and repetition.
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