Monday, March 31, 2025

Five Tips to get ready for Bar Prep

It is Graduation Time! For most of us, law school will be over forever, and if you never had an U.S-style Graduation, then enjoy the moment. It marks the conclusion of a chapter of your life, and the beginning of another. 

Yet the Bar Exam is coming, and your Bar Prep is about to start. So what should you do during this quiet period? Here’s Five Tips to get ready for Bar Prep. 

1. Gather your materials

Start looking at the outlines you made for your classes: just review them quick. Hopefully, you already took some courses that are tested on the Bar Exam, Contracts, Civil Procedure, Criminal Law & Procedure, Constitutional Law, Evidence, Torts, and Property – and refreshing yourself on the core legal topics does not hurt. 

Additionally, some law schools offer review courses ahead of the bar preparation – definitely take advantage of any of these refresher courses. If your law school does not offer those program, just start reviewing on your side. 

While we advise using your outlines for a quick review ahead of time, we do not recommend using them for your Bar Prep – most of the time you teacher either omitted areas tested on the Bar, or simply taught you more than you need to know.

2. Put yourself in a Bar mindset

Everybody told you: the Bar Exam is a marathon, not a race. Your bar preparation will take two months: so if you do want to hit the ground running, you don’t want to go for a burnout.

Start getting yourself mentally prepared for this process: everything will be ok. Now is the time to think about how you will schedule your time, what routines you want to develop to keep you going, and how you will take care of your mind and body during your preparation.

A list of things to think of includes:

  • Where would you be studying? This is really important – treat the Bar like a full time job: you must be able to work without being disturbed. If it is home, then maybe clean it out and prepare yourself a study space. If it is your library, then look if you can have access to private room. 
  • Have You Persuaded Your Family and Friends to Support You? Summer is coming, this is going to be a tough one. Explain to your family and friend that you will need to be alone. You won’t be able to go to parties all weekend and you will have to skip Sarabeth’s and go to the Library instead. But most of all: tell them you need their support. 

3. Prepare ahead of time

You want to keep your mind focused on the Bar: this means that you should plan for a few things ahead of time. 

  • Are your finances in order? Studying is harder if you are worried about money. If you used to work during school, it would be better to take some time off. So prepare a budget for the entire two-month period, that way you will not have to think about money during your preparation.
  • Have you arranged your accommodation for the Bar Exam? Booking a hotel close to the examination center is a smart idea. You don’t want to loose time in traffic and you want to arrive to the exam a relax as possible. Think of booking in advance though, because prices will go up and it might even become a nightmare finding accommodations at the last minute. Don’t wait, it will give you peace of mind.
  • Did you settled other matters? There are other things you can settle in advance: do you have a dog? maybe hire a dog walker – children? maybe arrange some babysitting – a summer trip? get everything ready now! – a wedding? now is not the time to plan such a thing! 

3. Relax and recharge

An important part of your preparation will be to be able to find a way to relax and recharge. If you can, try to take a week before you start your bar preparation. During those two months, you will face stress & new challenges, not mentioning everyone freaking out around you about the bar. 

You’ll need to find a balance here. But for now, you need to relax and recharge. You just finished your finals – take a break! Go to the spa, or whatever relaxes you, and start studying for the bar with a new mindset. 

4. Get into a new routine

The secret for a successful bar preparation? New habits. 

You need to develop consistent, repeatable habits and a manageable schedule. Habits take time to get, so start getting used to this now!

Try going to bed and waking up at the same time, schedule your meals, maybe find a specific time for exercise and start having healthy food. We’re not talking about preparing for the army, but maximizing your capacities. 

There are a lot of good habits for the Bar, including:

  • Getting a good night of sleep;
  • Having a schedule: Start at 8AM, lunch at 12PM, Break at 4PM, Exercise at 6PM, etc
  • Incorporating breaks and “free time” in your schedule;
  • Limiting your time on your phone; etc

5. Brace yourself for the emotional ride

Finally, get ready for the emotional ride, but no matter what: keep going!

Studying intensively for two months will have highs and lows. You might think that you know nothing, or maybe that you know everything. Despite everything, keep going. 

The Bar Exam is a challenge, expect the appropriate consequences, and be easy on yourself. 

You can do it, and will do it. Don’t overthink it. But you have to plan ahead of time to avoid any obstacles that might make your preparation harder. For now, enjoy your Graduation, you made it, and you are that close to becoming a U.S. attorney!

Want an extra boost? Check out what we have for you!

We get it, the Bar Exam is a lot. Put all the Chances on your Side and check out now our material ! Look at our Special NY Bar Page to find everything you need for your preparation.

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Bar ExamFive Tips to get ready for Bar Prep
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