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Family Law Child Custody

How to Prepare to Win a Child Custody Fight

Insight into Family Law: The Rosenblum Law Offices, located in the State of Nevada,  provides a wide variety of intertwined services, including Family Law. In this post, the firm explains you how to prepare to win a Child Custody fight. Here’s what it takes.

Family Law Child Custody
Illustration Photo – Pixabay License

If you’re in the middle of a divorce or have ended your relationship with your significant other and have children, it’s an uphill battle. When you share a child and cannot come to an agreement about child custody, you will have to go to court. 

In a typical custody case, the judge determine who should get primary custody. However, you can prepare for your time in court and use these tips to your advantage in knowing how to win a child custody case.

Better Parent Standard

The court is always interested, first and foremost, in what is in the best interest of the child. As a result, it will consider which parent is considered the better parent. The “better parent” is the person who is a better provider financially or who offers better emotional support and is based on past experiences.

Witnesses typically testify on behalf of the parent. The better parent standard is an essential factor in child custody cases.

Court Etiquette

The court etiquette of each parent is a telling factor in a custody battle. If one parent is dressed well and is calm in court while the other looks unkempt and shouts out voluntarily, it will send a definite message to the judge.

A calm demeanor, good behavior, and presentable appearance mean a lot.

Proper Documentation

Always come to court with all the proper documentation you need to present your case. Remember, it’s a child custody case, and you want to show the judge that you are serious about wanting custody of your kids. You must prove that you are willing to go out of your way to fight for your children, so coming in prepared with all the documentation you need will do exactly that.

On the other hand, if you show up with disorganized paperwork and some documentation is missing, it speaks volumes about your lack of dedication and seriousness. Always prepare ahead of time. Preparing weeks or even months in advance can only help your case.

Parent Communication

The court wants both parents to be involved in the child’s life if it is in the child’s best interest.

As a result, if one parent is more amenable to communicating and the other is not, the court will consider that factor. It will see the unwilling parent as being more difficult and not as interested in the child’s welfare. The person more willing to communicate will be viewed as the one who is truly concerned with the best interests of the child.

The moral here is that the court will want to see good communication between parents. If you truly care for your child’s welfare and want to win custody, you will strive to communicate with your ex.

It’s important to know that during the course of your child custody case, one parent is granted physical custody until a permanent arrangement is decided upon. However, although one parent is granted custody, the other has visitation rights so that they are involved in the child’s everyday life.

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