Saturday, February 22, 2025

Five Tips for the Day of the Bar Exam

Five Tips for the Day of the Bar Exam

The long-awaited day has finally arrived. You spent months preparing for this day, and in just two days the Bar Exam will officially belong to the past. Today’s post is not about how you shouldn’t cram for the test or drink water, it is about the things you should do on the day of the bar exam to avoid self-destruction. So here it is, our five tips for the Day of the Bar Exam.

1. Do not talk to anyone else who is taking the bar exam. 

You become who you hang around. Especially on the day of the Bar Exam, anxiety is contagious. So avoid talking to other students before, during, and after the bar exam. In fact, there are three types of people you should avoid: (1) the Super Anxious Person; (2) the Know-it-All; and (3) the Needy Person.

The Super Anxious Person could diminish your confidence, make you anxious or even lead you to panic. Be kind as possible to this person but you should avoid extremely anxious examinees, especially if you are already prone to anxiety yourself. 

The Know-it-All is probably worse because they make others feel badly about what they wrote. This is why you should not discuss your answers with anyone! 

Finally, the Needy Person is the one who needs something from you. Your outlines, what you wrote on the MPT, how you responsed to an essay question., etc. This is typically another form of anxiety: the person is looking for anything to make him feel better or more prepared.

To sum up, we are not saying that you should be apathic to others. This is a stressful exam and people have different way to approach it. However you should not let anyone make you feel bad.

2. Show up on time, like seriously.

If there’s a day you shouldn’t be late for, it is the day of the Bar Exam. There should be no reason, apart from a end-of-the-world scenerio, that you should miss the test or be late.

First, consider all the steps before finally reaching your seat: security at the door, coat check, seat assignment, etc.

Then think about your commute. The morning of the Bar Exam would be the same morning a freak 30-car pileup will block your path. As a result, and as a matter of facts, you should arrive early to the Bar Exam Center. Don’t create more stress than you need!

3. Avoid situations which may increase anxiety.

Similarly, to some people, there are situations that can increase anxiety. The solution? Plan ahead. Bring ear plugs with you in order to minimize distractions. Bring ten pencils if it makes you feel better. Choose your snacks wisely, don’t be that student who take hours to open its snack. In sums, plan ahead to reduce distractions and situation that can increase anxiety.

Think about your lunch wisely too. Eating at that fast food place sounds convenient, but you don’t want to have digestion issues during the afternoon. Most importantly, you don’t want to feel tired after lunch. To avoid this, simply avoid carbs and go for veggies and protein.

4. Stretch, Breathe, Relax

You should seize any opportunities to stretch and breathe. The purpose behind this is to assure that oxygen flows to your brain. It has also been reported that Gum-Chewing improves test performance, so bring some with you as well! In the end, deep breathing can lower your blood pressure, calm you and so help you be focused on the exam.

Beside your body, you should also be mentally prepared. Visualize the end of the Bar Exam, keep a clear head and calm manners. Having the right mindset can go a long way in helping you stay positive and ultimately improving your bar exam score.

5. Get the hell out of there and forget about it

Don’t stay around after you’re discharged from the exam. Again, nothing good can come of sticking around and chatting with other students. Go take a run instead, or binge on Netflix if that’s what you’re into. Don’t start second-guessing your performance on the exam. And for goodness sake, don’t study more. Now is the time to recharge and be ready for the next day. That means treating yourself and go to bed early.


You’ve been preparing for a long time now. You got this. The most important thing is to stay focus and have positive thoughts. Don’t underestimate the power of positive thinking: if you think success, you will succeed. Good luck!

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Bar ExamFive Tips for the Day of the Bar Exam
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