Monday, March 31, 2025

Taking the February Bar Exam

Taking the February Bar Exam

Taking the Bar Exam in February

If you are taking the Bar Exam in February, whether in New York or else, you might start feeling your blood pumping. In a bit more than a month you will sit along with 21,316 other students nationwide for two days of pure joy. But what’s the difference with the July session? Well, it might feel colder and less crowded but there’s a little more that. Taking the Bar Exam: facts checking.

(1) The passing rate is lower

Taking the Bar Exam in February

 Even though the pass rate is lower in February, your personal chances of passing the UBE are higher. 

Let’s get this straight: the pass rates tend to be higher in July than in February. So based on that, you might think the July session is easier. Wrong. First, you must analyse the February crowd: in February, you are competing with either students who couldn’t take the Bar in July, repeat takers, outside jurisdiction takers and people who just want to give it a shot. Thus, you don’t compete with that student that graduated first in your class (because they likely passed the July bar exam). You will be competing with applicants that may be “easier” to compete with. In that respect, even though the pass rate is lower, your personal chances of passing the UBE are higher. 

(2) The February Session is not harder

Taking the Bar Exam in February

Did you know that at least eight different people will look at and grade your written performance?

There is a long misinformed myth that the February bar exam is harder than the July bar exam. The answer is no: the February Bar Exam is technically not harder than the July exam. The myth comes from the fact that the July bar exam has a higher passage rate than the February bar exam.

A few factors have led people to believe that the February session is harder: first, most law graduate traditionally take the bar for the first time in July and more repeaters take it in February. 

Then  we can imagine that the fewer applicants, the tighter the curve. But technically each exam is calibrated and statistically adjusted for difficulty, so your scaled score should (theoretically) be equivalent to other exams.

As a result, the February session is not necessarily “easier” than the other. Both exam are equally predictable and both have their advantages and disadvantages. No matter which session you take, you should focus on personal factors (such as working with the best material possible) rather than focusing on the exam itself.

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(3) It’s easier to study for the February Bar Exam

It is like hibernation: by the time it’s over, spring will be here for you to enjoy. 

Personally, I loved the February Bar session. For a first, you don’t have to worry about the barbecues you will miss and those beach parties you will have to skip. There’s just less distractions in winter. It’s like hibernation: by the time it’s over, spring will be here for you to enjoy! 

Another point to take away: there’s less people taking the Bar Exam. It means less bar talk, less stress in the atmosphere and more free food for yourself. Plus, your teachers might have more time to help you. 

(4) You won’t have to wait four months for the results

The February Bar results are published in April, that’s half the time the July takers have to wait for their results.

Usually, the February Bar results are published in April – that’s just two months to wait! Half of the time that July takers have to wait for their results. Plus, if you are organized, it could mean that you will become a lawyer by the first days of summer. And by then you will be available for celebration parties. 

The Takeaway

Still worried about taking the February Bar Exam? Realize that pass rates have no bearing on your own chance of success. You don’t want to rely on statistics. You create the statistics. 

* If you’re a repeater, you are already loaded with knowledge. 

* Look to your predecessors: what did they do right? Visit our Bar Exam Blog to read more testimonies.

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