Thursday, March 6, 2025

What happened this Decade? Celebrating 2010-2020

What happened this Decade? Celebrating 2020.

What happened this Decade Celebrating 2020

What happened this Decade? Celebrating the 2010s.

The most exciting thing about the year to come is not leaving 2019, but it is starting a brand new decade! In January 2020, not only will we turn the page on the 10s but we will enter into the 20s. When you think about it, 10 years ago Steve Jobs was still CEO of Apple, the iPad didn’t exist yet, Prince William was still single and people were debating over a dress.

So what happened this Decade? Celebrating the 2010s. And remembering the big events of the last 10 years.

July 2011: We said goodbye to Harry Potter

What happened this Decade Celebrating 2020

After 14 years, one of the most popular franchises came to an end when the eight and final Harry Potter movie was released to the theaters on July 15, 2011. Of course, there are still a lot of things going one, the Broadway play The Cursed Child, the continuing Fantastic Beasts franchise, but let’s be frank: it has never been the same ever since. See also: Top J.K. Rowling Quotes to inspire you

2011: Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries got married. Then they got divorced 72 days later.

What happened this Decade Celebrating 2020

72 days after their $10 million televised wedding on August 20, 2011, Kim Kardashian and New Jersey Nets player Kris Humphries were divorcing. What a buzz. 

2013: Lance Armstrong admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs.

What happened this Decade Celebrating 2020

On February 2013, after a decade of denying allegations that he used banned performance-enhancing drugs, Lance Amstrong finally admitted to Oprah that he used EPO or erythropoietin, a drug used to improve recovery and endurance. 

Amstrong was forced to pay more than $20 million in lawsuits, including a $10 million fraud dispute with promotions company SCA. 

2013: Edward Snowden leaked thousands of documents he stole from the National Security Agency.

What happened this Decade Celebrating 2020

In June 2013, Edward Snowden, formerly contractor at the CIA, leaked thousands of secret documents he stole from the NSA. Snowden now lives in Russia. 

June 2015: Same-sex marriage became legal in the U.S.

It was a historic day for LGBTQ+ in America. On June 26, 2015 gay marriage became a reality when the landmark court case Obergefell v. Hodges was heard by the Supreme Court. Upon the decision same-sex marriage became legal in all fifty states.

2015: “Je Suis Charlie” Movement

ITwo gunmen claiming to be a part of the terrorist group Al-Qaeda attacked a French weekly satire magazine Charlie Hebdo. The men were upset by a recent cartoon of Muhammad that was printed in the magazine. During the attack 11 people were injured, and 11 people were killed. The phrase “Je suis Charlie” was popularized in support of the victims.

February 2016: Leonardo DiCaprio finally won an Oscar.

Leonardo DiCaprio became an internet meme for constantly being snubbed at the Oscars, but Leo finally got a win at the 88th Academy Awards in 2016 for the Best Actor award for his role in The Revenant — subsequently breaking the internet. 

2016: The Panama Papers leak revealed a network of thousands of off-shore holding companies worth more than a billion dollars.

In April 2016, 11.5 million of encrypted confidential documents, known as the Panama Papers, were leaked. The information revealed a network of thousands of off-shore holding companies worth more than a billion dollars.

2017: The #MeToo movement started with sexual assault allegations against Harvey Weinstein.

In October 2017, The New York Times revealed decades of sexual harassment, misconduct and abuse allegations against Harvey Weinstein. Soon enough, the MeToo hashtag was born, encouraging people to share their stories of sexual harassment. 

Since-then men across Hollywood, media, and politics have been accused of sexual misconduct, including Kevin Spacey, Matt Lauer, Bill O’Reilly, and Al Franken.

January 2019: Record number of women in Congress

When the 116th Congress was sworn onJanuary 3, 2019 it was the most diverse class of lawmakers to ever take office. People of color, LGBTQ+ representatives and 117 women newly elected, among who the first Native-American women and the first Muslim-American women in Congres.

March 2019: Brexit happened! 

Just kidding! The United Kingdom shocked the world (and itself) when it voted to leave the European Union in the summer of 2016. Brexit was scheduled for March 29, 2019 but as we know it didn’t really go as planned, perhaps next year!

2019: Jeffrey Epstein was charged with sex trafficking following allegations of molesting dozens of young girls.

Jeffrey Epstein was arrested on sex-trafficking charges on July 8, 2019. Epstein pleaded not guilty and died by suicide in his prison cell in August. An investigation into his death is ongoing. 

What happened this Decade? Celebrating the 2010s.

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JournalWhat happened this Decade? Celebrating 2010-2020
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