Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Which Bar Review Course should I pick?

Which Bar Review Course should I Pick? A short Bar Prep comparison

Can you feel the change of season in the air? With autumn coming, we naturally turn to planning for the coming year: internship, jobs or the Bar Exam, you’ve got a lot in your plate.

Planning ahead whether we’re talking about time or money can make for a great year, and that’s actually true when it comes to pick your Bar Review Course

The trick is: the sooner you get your Bar Review Course, the cheaper it will be. Most courses offer some good deals when purchased before a certain time. 

With so many Bar Courses, choosing the right one will be the single most important decision you will make this year. You will be spending hundreds of hours studying for the Bar Exam, so it is crucial to find the one that best fits your learning style and background. 

Here’s the good news: we have personally reviewed every major Bar Prep on the market: our comparison chart below will help you to find which course best fit your needs. 

1. Barbri

Course Price*
$ 0
MBE Practice Question
Well Known: Barbri is the most popular Bar Review and has occupied much of the space for over 50 years. The program offers live classroom lectures, online classes or even self-study course. 
DemandingBARBRI’s options include features such as the Personal Study Plan, which assesses and prioritizes your daily study agenda, and the Essay Architect, an online interactive method for preparing for the essay portion of the bar exam. 
Expensive: The most expensive option. Price range from $2,000 to $3,895 depending on which state. 

2. Themis

Course Price*
$ 0
MBE Practice Question
Concise Learning Modules: Video lectures are broken down into shorter, more manageable segments of 15-20 minutes to keep learners interested and focused. 
Flexibility: Themis offers the choice between “Directed Study” or “Flex Study.” Directed Study is more structured and suggests you complete lessons and practice in a sequential order. Flex Study allows you to pick and choose what you would like to study on a given day. You can also go in and select your own bar study start date as well to fit with your schedule.
Online:  The course is fully online, there are no classroom sessions to attend. One of the benefits of the online program is that you get to track your progress. You can check to see how much material you have covered and how you are doing on the writing and MBE portions.

3. Kaplan

Course Price*
$ 0
MBE Practice Question
Complete: The Kaplan Bar Review course features access to unlimited essay grading, live lectures (in-person, or live-online, and on-demand), full-length simulated exams with review, a final countdown study plan, and more than 4,000 exam-like MBE questions.
Structured: Their course has a clear outline and helps students stay on track. The overall structure of their program includes approximately 7 days of MBE prep, up to 36 days of comprehensive subject review (varies by state), 4 to 5 days of simulated exam preparation for each part of that state’s exam, and about 2 weeks (varies by student) for a final countdown study plan with highly tailored assignments.
Heavy: The sheer volume of work can be overwhelming for some students. This lengthy course touches on every concept covered on the bar exam, and requires numerous assignments, essays, personal outlines, and practice MBE questions to be completed outside of class for optimal preparation. 

4. BarMax

Course Price*
$ 0
MBE Practice Question
Study Planner: BarMax includes a study calendar that sets daily assignments and a detailed overview of the material, including how much and when you’ll need to study. The calendar default suggests a study plan of 15-25 hours per week for 12 weeks. 
Budget Friendly: BarMax is the only review course to offer instant and lifetime access. You can buy now, start studying and take the exam whenever you’re ready. It also offers 0% financing along with their lifetime access.
Experts: BarMax offers audio lectures taught by Harvard Law alumni, such as the famous Arthur Miller. Audio lessons make it easy to just plug in your headphones and study while you do other things such as work out, laundry, or even on your commute.

5. AdaptiBar

Course Price*
$ 0
MBE Practice Question
Licensed Practice Questions: AdaptiBar’s practice questions are licensed questions that have been released from previous bar exams. By practicing with licensed MBE questions (instead of simulated questions written by test prep companies) you’ll be more accurately prepared for the questions you will see on the actual MBE exam. 
Adaptive Learning Technology: AdaptiBar’s intelligent learning software automatically adapts questions to your ability level based on your previous performance. The Past Performance Table displays analytics on how many questions have been answered and calculates the accuracy of your answers, so you’ll be able to target and improve your score on different areas.
Restricted to MBE Exam: Students looking for a comprehensive Bar prep course to help them cover all the material on the bar exam may be disapointed, as AdaptiBar focuses exclusively on the MBE portion of the exam. As a result, AdaptiBar is most effective when used as a supplement to other courses.

6. Pieper Bar Review

Course Price*
$ 0
MBE Practice Question
Concise: Pieper is far more concise in terms of focusing on what will be tested on the exam. Provides you with the black letter of the la and nothing more. 
Mnemonics: Pieper has plenty of mnemonics – those memorization tips come handful. 
Closer: The course is taught by the founder of the business – John Pieper and his sons, Troy and Damien. 

Choosing the right bar review company can feel more stressful and complicated than choosing the right person to marry. We tried them all and people passed the Bar Exam with those companies.

Ultimately, the most important factor in choosing a bar review company is that you feel comfortable that they can help you pass the bar exam.

Visit our store here. 

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