Sunday, March 9, 2025

Improve your score on the MEE with these 6 rules

You want to improve your score on the Essay portion on the Bar Exam (MEE)? Follow these 6 Rules to Nail it

1. Think about your grader

First of all, you should know what to expect when taking the MEE. The more you understand the exam, how it is administered, and how it is graded, the better you will score. Not only you will feel more confident, but you will also reduces anxiety.

Do you know the structure of the Essay? Graders expect you to use the “IRAC” format (Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion), this is a good way to connect the dots and show your grader that you know what you are doing. 

Secondly, make it easier to the grader to read your essay:  

  • Using paragraphs makes it easier for the grader to read your essay (it also makes your answer look longer)
  • Using headings shows your grader that you have addressed all of the issues
  • Bolding/Emphazing key words draws the grader’s attention to your key points 

Finaly, remember to go straight to the point: that will save you some time and you grader will appreciate it. 

2. Manage your time

There’s six essays, with only 30 minutes to complete each one. Keep an eye on the clock and discipline yourself. If you spend 35 minutes on an essay, then that’d be 5 minutes you won’t have on your last essay. Every minute counts and you want to finish every essays so as to score the maximum points.

A good tip is to start by outlining your answer. Use the IRAC format, then fill in as you go. Worse case scenario, you end up short on time, but at least you will have the basics information covered. Better than nothing. 

There’s no secret here: practice timing yourself. That will boost your confidence, and ensure that you don’t run out of time on the Bar exam.

3. Know the most tested issues/rules

Some issues are more tested than others, and with so many rules, it is difficult to prepare for every question. So prepare for those highly tested MEE issues or essay topics. We offer Essay Attack Sheets that contain the highly tested issues for each essay. Make sure to take a look at it. 

A common mistake on the essay portion is simply that students don’t know the highly tested rules well enough. Similarly, you need to know the elements of a rule. Memorize those elements, this will allow you to quickly answer some of the questions, and to earn high score. 

Save time, and look at our Essay Attack Sheets for a list of the most tested rules/issues on the MEE.

5. Use the facts

Knowing the rule and spotting the issue are important: what’s more important is the application to the facts. 

You may have memorized the rule, but if you don’t use enough facts in your analysis, your answer will look short. So make sure to use the facts in your analysis. For each element of your rule, use a fact.

That being said, don’t use too much details. There is a lot of irrelevant information on the MEE to test your analysis skills. Knowing the law is one thing. Understanding the context and nuance of law is what makes a great lawyer.

6. Get feedback on your essays

Practicing the essay portion is difficult if you don’t get feedback. Your Bar Preparation won’t grade many essays, so make sure that you understand the feedbacks. If needed, get someone to read your essay: at your law school, there may be resources, study groups, or prep courses that you can take advantage of. 

You can also reach out to us for some assistance: we provide real MEE Essays and  grade them with personalized feedback.  [See more here]

If you are looking for a great way to improve your MEE, take advantage of our resources now and contact us to know how we can help.

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Bar ExamImprove your score on the MEE with these 6 rules
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